
  • Safa Salsabila Damara Universitas Telkom
  • Eko Darwiyanto Telkom University
  • Arfive Gandhi Telkom University



Funding website, MSMEs, Simple Additive Weighting (SAW), Mataram City, Funding Program.


This research aims to design and develop an efficient funding website for Micro, Small,
and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Mataram City using the Simple Additive Weighting
(SAW) method at PT XYZ. The background of the research is based on challenges such
as the manual selection of MSMEs, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors in
calculating scores or values. Additionally, the criteria scores lack a definite average value
for each category, and there is a risk of losing MSME application documents due to
disorganized collection, leading to scattered documents. In this advanced era, many
companies use websites to support their programs, while PT XYZ still lacks such a
platform to support its funding program. Given these challenges, a website is needed to
support the funding program and address existing issues. This research uses a qualitative
approach, collecting data through literature studies, interviews, and observations. The
results of this research show that using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method
yields consistent final values in both manual and program-based tests and enables faster


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How to Cite

Safa Salsabila Damara, Darwiyanto, E., & Gandhi, A. (2024). PENGEMBANGAN WEBSITE DSS DI PT XYZ UNTUK BANTUAN PENDANAAN UMKM KOTA MATARAM MENGGUNAKAN SIMPLE ADDITIVE WEIGHTING. Indonesian Journal on Computing (Indo-JC), 9(2), 96–117.



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