Multi Criteria Recommender System for Music using K-Nearest Neighbors and Weighted Product Method
K-Nearest Neighbors, Music, Recommender System, Weighted Product MethodAbstract
Currently, the music industry has grown rapidly which has led to an information overload that hinders users from finding the music they want, because everyone has their own unique characteristics. In a previous study, the Recommender System converted music lyrics into digital values using Lexicon's Non-Commercial Research (NRC) and K Nearest Neighbors (KNN) to look for similarities between music. However, this system only uses lyrics to recommend music, so it doesn't pay more attention to user preferences. Therefore, in this study adds criteria from users using the Weighted Product Method (WPM) to weight the music criteria with the input criteria from users. In this study uses a music dataset from 2000 to 2019 taken from the Kaggle website. The purpose of this study was to measure user satisfaction using the System Usability Scale (SUS). In this case, the user is free to answer 10 questions regarding the results of the recommendations provided by the system. Based on the results of the questionnaire, the SUS score was 83.65. This score is included in the EXCELLENT category with grade A scale
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