Indonesian Journal on Computing (Indo-JC)
Indonesian Journal on Computing (Indo-JC) is indexed by
Indonesian Journal on Computing (Indo-JC) is an Open Access scientific journal intended to bring together researchers and practitioners dealing with the general field of computing. Indo-JC is published by School of Computing, Telkom University (Indonesia).
Indonesian Journal on Computing (Indo-JC) is issued 3 (three) times per year (in April, August and December), which contains research articles and scientific study.
Indonesian Journal on Computing (Indo-JC) is accredited by the Ministry for Research, Technology and Higher Education (RISTEKDIKTI) with score SINTA 5. The SINTA score of Indo-JC can be seen here.
The submission of a paper is free of charge. For a special issue you could contact Editor in Chief for Article Processing Charges (APC's) information
INDO-JC will reject all manuscripts that do not report the novelty or validation method for the results.
In order to submit the paper in this journal, please provide the following statements in the box of "Comments for Editor" during submission:
Dear Editor,
Please find kindly our paper entitle "<Paper Title>" for peer review process. This paper includes:
1. Novelty/contribution: <write your novelty>
2. Validation of results: <write your validation method>
Thank you,
Best Regards
International Journal on Information and Communication Technology (IJoICT)
International Journal on Information and Communication Technology (IJoICT) is a peer-reviewed journal in the field of computing that published twice a year; scheduled in December and June.
IJoICT includes novel ideas on ICT, state of the art technique implementations, and study cases on developing countries. Each article is featured with details of the proposed method including dataset and external link for program or codes. The journal is published for those who wish to share information about their research and innovations and for those who want to know the latest results in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The Journal is published by the School of Computing, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia. Accepted paper will be immediately available online (open access) without any publication fee.
This journal is no longer maintained on this website. For security reasons, we have moved to a new domain. Please visit our new website at https://journals.telkomuniversity.ac.id/ijoict for the latest publications, submissions, and journal updates. Articles published up to Volume 10 will remain accessible here, but all new issues and submissions will be available exclusively on our new platform. Please update your bookmarks accordingly.