Column-Level Database Encryption Using Rijndael Algorithm and Dynamic Key on Learning Management System




Rijndael, HMAC-DRBG, Pseudorandom-bit


The course management system’s goal is to help learning activities. The system helps to
manage tasks, the grading process, and user communications. To avoid unauthorized data
access, the course management system needs a mechanism to protect the password that is
used in the system’s login process. Database encryption using Rijndael algorithm is proposed
by Francis Onodueze et al. to protect the data. A key is needed for the encryption process,
and the key has to be kept secret. Thus, when the key is static, it is vulnerable against key
guessing attacks. To overcome the static key’s drawback, a dynamic key generation using
Hash Messages Authentication Code - Deterministic Random Bit Generator (HMAC-DRBG)
is proposed because it can generate keys periodically. Based on the evaluation, the probability
of success key guessing attack using the proposed method is less than using the previous
method, while the time complexity of those methods is similar.


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How to Cite

Mursalat, A. S., Barmawi, A. M., & Yunanto, P. E. (2022). Column-Level Database Encryption Using Rijndael Algorithm and Dynamic Key on Learning Management System. Indonesian Journal on Computing (Indo-JC), 7(1), 15–30.



Computer Science