An enthalpy-based finite element method for solving two-phase Stefan problem
Stefan problem is a problem involving phase transition from solid to liquid or vice versa where boundary between solid and liquid regions moves as function of time. This paper presents numerical solution of one-dimensional two-phase Stefan problem by using finite element method. The governing equations involved in Stefan problem consist of heat conduction equation for solid and liquid regions, and also transition equation in interface position (moving boundary). The equations are difficult to solve by ordinary numerical method because of the presence of moving boundary. As consequence, the equations is reformulated into the form of internal energy (enthalpy). By the enthalpy formulation, solution of the heat conduction equations is no longer concerning the phase state of material. The advantage of the enthalpy formulation is that, finite element method can be easily implemented to solve Stefan problem. Numerical simulation of interface position, temperature profile, and temperature history has good agreement with the exact solution. The approximation of interface position using finite element method was found that it is more accurate than the approximation by using Godunov method. The simulation results also reveal that the finite element method for solving Stefan problem have smaller mean absolute error than the Godunov method.Downloads
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