The The Recognition of American Sign Language Using CNN with Hand Keypoint
American Sign Language, Convoltional Neural Network, Hand keypoint, Massey dataset.Abstract
Sign Language is a method used by the deaf community for their communication. In line with the advances of deep learning, researchers have widely interpreted neural networks for language recognition in recent years. Many models and hardware have been developed to help get high accuracy in language recognition, but generally, the problem of accuracy is still a concern of researchers, even the accuracy problem related to American language or American sign language (ASL) still requires further research to solve. This paper discusses a method to improve ASL recognition accuracy using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with hand keypoint. Pre-trained Keypoint detector is used to generate hand keypoints on the massey dataset as an input for classification in the CNN model. The results show that the accuracy of the proposed method is better than the previous studies, obtaining an accuracy of 99.1% in recognizing the 26 statistical signs of the ASL alphabet.
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