a Schema Extraction of Document-Oriented Database for Data Warehouse
data warehouse, schema extraction, unstructured dataAbstract
The data warehouse is a very famous solution for analyzing business data from heterogeneous sources. Unfortunately, a data warehouse only can analyze structured data. Whereas, nowadays, thanks to the popularity of social media and the ease of creating data on the web, we are experiencing a flood of unstructured data. Therefore, we need an approach that can "structure" the unstructured data into structured data that can be processed by the data warehouse. To do this, we propose a schema extraction approach using Google Cloud Platform that will create a schema from unstructured data. Based on our experiment, our approach successfully produces a schema from unstructured data. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first in using Google Cloud Platform for extracting a schema. We also prove that our approach helps the database developer to understand the unstructured data better.
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