Classification of Hadith Topic of Indonesian Translation Using K-Nearest Neighbor and Chi-Square


  • Ghinaa Zain Nabiilah student
  • Said Al Faraby Telkom University
  • Mahendra Dwifebri Purbolaksono



chi-square, hadith, text classification, k-nearest neighbor.


Hadith is the main way of life for Muslims besides the Qur'an whose can be applied in everyday life. Hadith also contains all the words or deeds of the Prophet Muhammad which are used as a source of the law of Islam. Therefore, many readers, especially Muslims, are interested in studying hadith. However, the large number of hadiths makes it difficult for readers or those who are still unfamiliar with Islam to read them. Therefore, we conducted a study to classify hadith textually based on the type of teaching, so that readers can get an overview or other reference in reading and searching for hadith based on the type of teaching more easily. This study uses KNN and chi-square methods as feature selection. We also carried out several test scenarios, including implementing stopword removal modifications in preprocessing and experimenting with selecting k values ​​for KNN to determine the best performance. The best performance was obtained by using the value of k = 7 on KNN without implementing chi-square and with stopword removal modification with a hammer loss value of 0.1042 or about 89.58% of the data correctly classified.


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How to Cite

Nabiilah, G. Z. ., Al Faraby, S. ., & Dwifebri Purbolaksono, M. . (2021). Classification of Hadith Topic of Indonesian Translation Using K-Nearest Neighbor and Chi-Square. International Journal on Information and Communication Technology (IJoICT), 7(2), 11–22.



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