Analysis of Voice Changes in Anti Forensic Activities Case Study: Voice Changer with Telephone Effect
voice changer, analysis of variance (ANOVA), likelihood ratioAbstract
Voice recordings can be changed in various ways, either intentionally or unintentionally, one of which is by using a voice changer. Reference voice recordings and suspect voice recordings will be more difficult to analyze if suspect voice recordings are changed using a voice changer application under certain effects such as telephone effect. Voice Changer can be one form of activity that can be carried out by anti-forensics, making it difficult for investigators to investigate if the voice recording is changed with telephone effect. This study has two types of recordings, namely the reference voice recording (unknown sample) and suspect voice recording (known sample) that has been changed using a voice changer application with telephone effect. Investigations were carried out based on data results extraction and analysis using pitch, formant, and spectrogram using the Analysis of variance (ANOVA) method and the likelihood ratio method. The results of this study indicate that the application of voice changer can be one form of activity that can be carried out by anti-forensics so that it can be difficult for investigators to conduct investigations on sound recording evidence. This research may help forensic communities, especially investigators to conduct investigations on sound recording.
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