Study the Best PenTest Algorithm for Blind SQL Injection Attacks


  • Aldebaran Bayu Nugroho Telkom University
  • Satria Mandala Telkom University



There are several types of SQL injection attacks. One of the most popular SQL Injection Attacks is Blind SQL. This attack is performed by exploiting a gap in the database server when executing query words. If the server responds to an invalid query, the attacker will then reverse the engineering part of the SQL query, which is obtained from the error message of the server. The process of generating a blind SQL injection attack is complicated. As a result, a Pentester often requires a long time to penetrate the database server. This research provides solutions to the problems above by developing the automation of a blind SQL injection attack. The method used in this research is to generate keywords, such as the database name and table name so that the attacker can retrieve information about the user name and password. This research also compares several search algorithms, such as linear search, binary search, and interpolation search for generating the keywords of the attack. Automation of the Blind SQL Injection was successfully developed, and the performance of the keywords generation for each algorithm was also successfully measured, i.e., 1.7852 seconds for Binary Search, 1.789 seconds for interpolation and 1.902 seconds for Linear Search.


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Author Biographies

Aldebaran Bayu Nugroho, Telkom University

School of Computing

Satria Mandala, Telkom University

School of Computing


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How to Cite

Nugroho, A. B., & Mandala, S. (2020). Study the Best PenTest Algorithm for Blind SQL Injection Attacks. International Journal on Information and Communication Technology (IJoICT), 5(2), 1–10.



Computer Networking and Communication